Friday, November 4, 2011

Wait, what?

Today a co-worker sitting next to me in the lab sent me a file on Skype.  A moment later he said, "Oops, wrong file, cancel it."  So I clicked on the "Cancel" button next to the Skype file transfer bar and was greeted with this dialog box:

That's right, to cancel the file transfer you have to click "Ok," and to NOT cancel the file transfer, you click "Cancel," which is to say, "Cancel the cancellation."

I went looking around and Microsoft does indeed discourage this kind of silliness.  In an article on correct UI design here they say:

"... Never use OK and Cancel for yes or no questions.
Screen shot of message with OK for yes-no question
Screen shot of message with Yes for same question
Screen shot of message with Run for same question  "

Of course, this is made more amusing by the fact that Microsoft recently completed their acquisition of Skype.    Maybe they'll fix this in the next update.  Oops, nope, according to the release notes for the latest update it looks like they're focusing on more important issues:


  • Removed Google product bundling..."

So, what goofy or needlessly confusing user interface designs have you run into recently?  Leave a comment!

1 comment:

Blues said...

People have the goofiest user interface design I've ever seen.