Sunday, November 13, 2011

Post-A-Week Goal

A bit over a year ago, I set a goal to write a blog entry every day for a month.  I managed to carry through on it, even though it wasn't particularly easy to hold to the commitment every day.  I did not, however, take the next step from that goal, and continue making regular progress on other writing projects, or even here.  So I'm setting another blogging goal.  The goal this time is to write at least one posting here each week for the next year. If I pull it off, that means that I will write over 50 posts in the next year.  Seeing that cumulative progress is, I think, a useful step toward getting myself revved up to do other, larger scale writing projects.

Of course, one of the problems with a "Post-A-Week" is that at least one day each week I'll have to actually finish something and click the "Publish Post" button.  When I get toward the end of any given week, it then becomes a post-a-day goal, for that one day.  So I should try to make sure that I write early in the week, and not late, to keep ahead of the curve.  If my daughter ever reads this, she'll recognize this strategy from the last 5 years of me prodding her about starting her homework early.

For the purposes of this goal, I'll say that the week extends from Sunday through Saturday.  And as it is currently 12:20 AM on Sunday, November 13, 2011, this entry will fulfill my obligation for the week of the 13th - 19th!  Of course, I can write MORE than one a week if time and motivation allow, and I'll certainly try.  But at least this week I'm finishing over 167 hours ahead of my deadline!

I've got dozens of ideas jotted down, and about 25 partially written posts already stock-piled.  Time to start working through the backlog, polishing things up, and get them out into the world.  And then come up with more!

How about you?  What are you planning to do over the course of the next year?  Leave a comment below and tell me!


Blues said...

Yay!!! I'm so glad you're blogging again.

Phillip King said...

Thanks! Knowing that someone is reading will help keep me honest!