Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Writers Write

I have long fancied myself a writer, but the volume of my output clearly says otherwise. I tend to worry that I've got a piece polished and shiny and finished to the point that I don't create much of anything. In an effort to break this trend, I am going to start a period of VASTLY accelerated writing. If I manage to pull it off, what you are going to see here in the next month is, I hope, at least one article each day, written in one pass, with only the roughest edges filed off. And of course, all of this will be done within the larger context of work, and family, and all the other ongoing responsibilities that I can't let drop either.

The longer term goal of this effort is to get myself unstuck, to advance several writing projects, both fiction and non-fiction, that I have been incubating for a very long time, and which I finally feel a need to complete. I'm not going to live forever, after all, and I don't want to die with too many of my words still in me. Furthermore, like so many things, the only way to improve my craftsmanship as a writer is to actually do it. Talking about it, thinking about it, pondering the greatness that I could one day shine down upon the world means nothing if I don't get started... and so I am.

If you're reading this, well, skip ahead to the next entry because this is just introductory late night navel-gazing. But if you HAVE read this far, please write a comment, or write me an e-mail, or call me (because if you're here, at least during this development phase in September - October 2010, you almost certainly already know me) and let me know what you think. I gotta work the keyboard, get the words out, keep the cursor moving. It's a cliche but that doesn't mean it's not true: Writers write. And dammit, I wanna be a writer.

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