Saturday, September 29, 2012

I crashed my flashlight...

My dad recently bought some Techlite 200 high-intensity LED flashlights at Costco, and gave me two of them.  They are amazingly bright and well constructed, so they quickly became my favorite hand-held flashlights.  I was reading this extremely detailed review of them on Amazon, and learned that I could skip the somewhat jarring strobe mode when turning them off by just holding down the power button for a couple of seconds.  I tried it, and it works, but after doing it several times, my light would no longer turn on.  I had to remove the cap to disconnect the battery, causing a hard reset of whatever control circuitry they have in there.  I don't know exactly how they implemented the electronics, and I'm not willing to sacrifice this neat flashlight to find out, but I crashed my flashlight...

Attempts to reproduce the failure on the other Techlight 200 I have were unsuccessful, so it is apparently not an inherent design flaw, just an edge marginality.  Still, I crashed my flashlight!  There is some sort of cautionary story in here somewhere...